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Ephesians 2:22

Ephesians 2:22
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 In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit.”

– Ephesians 2:22

A few things I wanted to communicate in this picture:

1) That Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and that it is in Him that we are being built together as believers. To do this, I wanted the resurrected Christ to be front and center and to show the multitude of believers being “woven” into Him, into His “body,” as it were.

2) The language in the passage seems to indicate that the Spirit is the “instrument” by which we are being built into a dwelling place for God….However – at least theologically – even as we are built into a dwelling place for God by the indwelling Spirit….the very fact that it is the indwelling Spirit of God doing the building implies that we are already a dwelling place for God because of the Spirit’s presence in us. So, I wanted to show the Spirit as both the builder (the “wind” of the Spirit is doing the weaving of the believers into Christ), and as the Spirit of God dwelling in our midst, by whose presence we are the dwelling place of God.

3) I wanted the whirring multitude of believers, to show that it is the “wind” of the Spirit that carries us and weaves us into a unity of diversity in Christ (Eph.4:3).

4) And, of course, I wanted the wounds of Christ to be visible in the midst of His people since it is only by His cross-work that we can be built up into Him, and it will always be through a “cruciform” path that we grow in Him.