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John 1 + Genesis 1

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In today’s picture, I’m offering a suggestion on how we might follow John’s textual markers so as to read Genesis and the Gospel in parallel. You can read a *brief* overview in the points below. For a longer explanation, see this video.


Day 1 [Gen.1:3-5] Light; division of light and darkness / [Jn.1:1-28] The Word who is the Light shining into the darkness / Pictured in the image as the simultaneously slain and risen Jesus, who is Himself the uncreated light of the glory of God radiant in the flesh.

Day 2 [Gen.1:6-8] Division of waters; creation of ‘heaven’ or the sky / [Jn.1:29-34] Jesus’ baptism (implied), the transversal of the heavens by the love of the Father for the Son in the Spirit / Pictured as the waters dividing above and below Jesus and the sevenfold Spirit over his head (cf. Rev.4:5, 5:6).

Day 3 [Gen.1:9-13] Dry land appears; plants after their kind / [Jn.1:35-42] The disciples ‘reproduce’ after their kind; the ‘Rock’ of Peter appears. / Pictured in this image as the land and trees.

Day 4 [Gen.1:14-19] The Sun, Moon, and Stars (as witnesses to the uncreated light of the first day) / [Jn. 1:43-51] Moses (Sun) and the Prophets (Moon) as witnesses to Christ, the angels (stars) ascending and descending on the Son of Man / Pictured as Moses and Elijah witnessing to Christ as the True Light; the angels as stars ascending and descending on Christ as the communicative nexus between heaven and earth.

Day 5 [Gen.1:20-23] multiplication of fish and birds / [Jn.6?] multiplication of fish and bread (?) / Pictured as the anastasiform Jesus Himself, who is our True Food.

Day 6 [Gen.1:24-31] Land animals; Adam and Eve / [Jn.19] The true ‘Human Being’ is ‘finished’ in Jesus’ Passion narrative where Jesus becomes the True Adam on the Tree and the True Eve (Church) is drawn from His side / Pictured in Jesus Himself and the Bride at his side.

Day 7 [Gen 2:1-3] The Sabbath / [Jn.2:1-11] The anticipation of the Messianic Banquet / Pictured in the wine from Jesus’ side and the Bride holding the chalice.