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Hosea 11:3, “…they did not know that I healed them.”
+ Isaiah 53:5
As I was reading yesterday, I was struck by the poignancy of Hosea 11:3 in light of the cross.
In the context, YHWH is talking about His persistent care for the people of Israel and that—despite His centuries of nurturing, healing, teaching, etc.—they continue to stubbornly rebel against Him.
However, we know that this dynamic of YHWH forever offering Himself to a rebellious people (Is.65:2) will be climaxed at the cross when the Lord’s steadfast love and faithfulness move Him to bear the stripes that purchase the healing of His people (Is.53:5, 1 Pt. 2:24). And yet, as He gives Himself to the uttermost—pouring Himself out over the heads of His enemies—they did not know that He was healing them (Luke 4:23, 23:35).
And to this day, many do not know that—if only they would see in the slain and risen Son their Lord and God—YHWH healed them at the cross. By the Spirit who alone can give this sight, may hearts that hate Christ as I type, be made to adore Him before their time on earth is through….Amen.