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John 8:32, “…and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
The truth will set you free…not some generic truth, but the truth that comes from abiding in Jesus’ word (8:31). And what is His word? Typically in John’s gospel, the “word” (λόγος) of Christ refers to His teaching about Himself as the only Son sent from the Father who reveals the Father. So the truth that sets us free is, essentially, the truth about Who God Is as manifest in the Son who dies and rises again.
The truth at the root of reality, the truth that informs all things, the ultimate truth which to know impacts every facet of reality and sets us free from the tyranny of our sin is this: Jesus Christ, who dies for our sins and rises again, is the Redeemer of the World and Revealer of God.
When we come alive to this truth by the working of the Spirit, we pass from the death that is thralldom to Satan’s will (8:44) and into the freedom of eternal life.