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Luke 2:10-11

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Luke 2:10-11, “I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people. For unto you is born…a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord.”

God Himself became a fertilized egg in Mary’s body. He became a developing fetus. He became an infant in utero. And by inhabiting every stage of human development, God Himself has imparted unparalleled dignity to every stage of human development from conception to birth (and beyond, of course).

I would argue that the strongest proof for personhood at every stage of development is the fact that the divine *person*, God the Son, *became* every stage of development. By His personal inhabitation of the entire process of human gestation, He proves and seals the person-bearing capacity of its every moment.

One implication of the incarnation, then, is that ending the life of an unborn child—at any stage—truly is the murder of a human person. That is, I believe, undeniable and demands that those who confess the enfleshed, slain, and risen Jesus as their Lord and God reckon with the implications…and they are not always clear. This calls for compassion and wisdom and a listening ear—God give us grace to grow in these things.

We must follow this first implication of the incarnation with another, namely, that at least one reason God became an infant in the womb is so that He might—by His life, suffering, death, and resurrection—secure lavish forgiveness, soul-deep healing, and Love’s eternal embrace for parents and doctors who have taken infant lives.