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Hebrews 6:19-20

Hebrews 6:19-20
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This picture was drawn for a supporter of the ministry who asked for an illustration based on the hymn “Will Your Anchor Hold.” The idea of Christ as our anchor in this song was almost certainly drawn from Hebrews 6:19-20, so I incorporated that passage into the picture. A stanza from hymn, the text of Hebrews 6:19-20, and a description of the visual exegetical process can be read below.



It is safely moored, ’twill the storm withstand,
For ’tis well secured by the Savior’s hand;
And the cables passed from His heart to mine,
Can defy the blast, through strength divine.

That’s wonderful stanza and by referencing Christ’s hands and heart (both likely pierced on the cross), it blends the imagery of the cross and the anchor beautifully. I was also reminded of Hebrews 6:19-20:

We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain, where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

I’m sure the hymn writer had this text in mind as they were penning the words to “Will Your Anchor Hold?” In the context, the author is talking about how the Christian’s hope (which is ultimately to enter into the “Sabbath Rest of God,” or, said another way, being finally and forever satisfied with who God is in Jesus….ultimately the achievement of our hope is inseparable from the one who secured that hope for us, God Himself in the person of His Son)…he is talking about how the Christian’s hope is sure and can be depended upon with because God has sworn it by an oath (6:17). In verses 19 and 20, the author seems to be saying that our hope is bound up with the person and work of Christ and that–just as His blood-bought intercession as our eternal high priest within the True “holy of holies” is sure–so too is our hope. If Christ’s cross-achieved intercession can be dislodged, then so too might the Christian’s hope be dislodged, but–like a “sure and steadfast anchor”–it cannot.
In this picture, then, I wanted to represent the person and the work of Jesus as the anchor for our soul, the anchor talked about in the song. I did this by showing Christ crucified at the center–since ALL of His saving work flows from this central work–with him pictured as raised from the dead in the back ground. Jesus’ hands are lifted to show the intercessory role that he now fills before the Father on our behalf. His wounds are clearly visible because–as High Priest–he is tasked with representing man to God and representing God to man. The wounds fulfill this double purposes by saying to God, “I am fully man, representing my brothers to you, and here are the wounds that declare their sins are paid for and covered.” And Christ’s wounds declare to man, “I am fully God, representing my Father to you, and here are the wounds that declare I am Love. I have poured myself out for your sake to satisfy you with myself. All barriers are removed, come and be satisfied in me.”
The “cable passed from His heart to mine” is represented as a blood-red cord coming from the wound in Christ’s side (a wound which may well have physically pierced His heart) into the heart of the man on the ship. In scripture, the “blood of Christ,” often refers to His entire cross work–His death and resurrection–and that is how I am using it here. This “bond of blood” between Christ and the man represents the fact that–through His death and resurrection–Jesus has invincibly secured us to Himself, we will not be lost on the seas of life. And the fact that the cord passes from heart to heart points to the intimate and personal nature of Christ’s sacrifice…..though He died to secure His bride (Ephesians 5:25, Rev.5:9), He also loved us as individuals and gave Himself up for us as individuals (Gal.2:20).
Lastly, and perhaps obviously, the sea is pictured as stormy….neither you nor me nor the writer of the hymn, nor the author of Hebrews expect life to be easy…..if we can be sure of anything in this life it is dark, frightening, and dangerous storms……but by depicting the steadfast anchor of Christ in the midst of the storm, I am hoping to proclaim that even when the worst happens….our firm anchor–the eternal work and the sovereign person of the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom are bound up all of our hopes–will not falter and will not budge…..like a leaden weight being pushed by a flea….and, by His grace through faith, we are bound to Him by “cables passed from His heart to ours”–Glory to His sure and steadfast Name!