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Psalm 104:24, 1 Corinthians 1:23-24

Psalm 104:24, 1 Corinthians 1:23-24
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Psalm 104:24, “O YHWH, how manifold are your works, in wisdom you have made them all…”

1 Corinthians 1:23-24, “Christ crucified…[is] the wisdom of God.”

The wisdom of God IS Christ crucified. Archetypical wisdom is not merely God the Son abstracted from the man Jesus Christ, rather it is God the Son proclaimed as incarnate and crucified.

The wisdom of God upon which reality is built, the wisdom of God which is the pattern and structure and order of reality, the wisdom of God that forms the “DNA” of created existence and to which our own mind and heart and lives must be conformed if we are to partake in wisdom—THIS wisdom of God is the CRUCIFIED JESUS! God Himself—in love declaring, bearing, and overcoming the perversion and damnation of His people’s opposition to God in Himself—IS the answer to every riddle, the resolution of every conundrum, the harmonization of every dissonance, and the telos of every alteration, such that ALL THINGS will be summed up in Him (Eph.1:10).

Now….Psalm 104 tells us that ALL that God has made is made in wisdom…which—as we know from 1 Cor. 1:24 —means that all that God has made is made in the crucified and risen Christ. From first (alpha) to last (omega), from heights (Heaven) to the depths (Sheol)—All things are rooted in, dependent upon, existent for, and—ultimately—communicative of the slain and risen Jesus, who is Himself the revelation of the invisible God (John 1:18)…..And it is precisely because all of reality is created in the Crucified Christ (the Wisdom of God) that Habakkuk can assure us that “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of YHWH as the waters cover the sea” (Hab.2:14)….Yes, because this knowledge comes in the face of Christ (2 Cor.4:6) in, on, through, and for all things exist.

What a glorious truth! All of reality is built upon the one we see at the cross……all of existence has its genesis and telos in Him….This one who is Beauty, who is Love, who is Wisdom—this one(viewed in light of His resurrection) tells us upon what (whom!) reality is built, and where existence finds its appointed consummation.